Independence Day

The 4th of July, or Independence Day, is one of several patriotic holidays celebrated in the United States. The third Saturday in May is Armed Forces Day, the last Monday in May is Memorial Day, and November 11 is Veterans Day. Independence Day is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of

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What is Earnest Money?

Earnest Money Defined If the word “earnest” is defined as showing sincere and intense conviction, then “earnest money” can be considered the good faith deposit in a real estate transaction that shows a buyer’s sincere and intense conviction (interest) to purchase the home upon agreement of a signed contract.  Essentially, earnest money is a deposit

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What You Need to Know About Homeowners Associations

Just hearing the name, Homeowners Association (HOA) may conjure images of grown adults huddled together in folding chairs in the pool house, arguments ensuing, and that one neighbor on the board who has let a little too much power go to his head, rapping the wooden gavel trying to maintain order in the ranks over

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Memorial Day

The History of Memorial Day While the first commemorative Memorial Day events didn’t happen in the United States until the late 19th century, the practice of honoring those who have fallen in battle dates back thousands of years. The ancient Greeks and Romans once held annual days of remembrance for loved ones (including soldiers) each

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5 Tricks for Getting Your Offer Accepted in a Competitive Market

The housing market has gone through many changes as a result of the pandemic and its economic consequences. Seemingly gone are the days when home prices were reasonable and buyers had the luxury of taking their time to really weigh the pros and cons of a property and linger with their offer-making efforts.  These days

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How Local Sporting Venues Can Impact Your Quality of Life

With warmer weather in the air and many previous pandemic restrictions being lifted, people are generally feeling ready to get outdoors and enjoy the area in which they live.  Where To Look for Sporting Venues Even if the military stations you in a small town or remote area, chances are there are likely some sporting

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